For guidance only. These tables do not supersede a SSHASP at any time or on any response.
Use teflon tubing for calibration instead of tygon tubing for Chlorine response.
Consult ATSDR for site-specific action levels for Oil response.

Does not include all pollutants associated with this type of event, only the most common pollutants with the lowest action levels. Depending on the chemical of concern, certain Dräger tubes and chips can be used. In addition, single-gas instruments and sensors and/or a gas chromatography-mass spectrometry instrument may be used.
EPA and ATSDR Health Guidance Values for Residential and Commercial.
Standard EPA Emergency Response Protocol is to screen for radiation with a Micro-R at all emergency responses. If readings are three times background, responders consult with a Health Physicist. Additional radiation equipment is available to monitor for Alpha, Beta and Gamma, but is not included in this table.

AEGL-1 is the airborne concentration of a substance above which it is predicted that the general population, including susceptible individuals, could experience notable discomfort, irritation, or certain asymptomatic non-sensory effects; however, the effects are not disabling and are transient and reversible upon cessation of exposure.
AEGL-2 is the airborne concentration of a substance above which it is predicted that the general population, including susceptible individuals, could experience irreversible or other serious, long-lasting adverse health effects or an impaired ability to escape.
TEEL-0 is the temporary level of concern derived according to a tiered, formula-like methodology; representing concentrations associated with no effects.
ERPG-1 is the acute exposure concentration of the general population for up to 1 hour associated with effects expected to be mild or transient.
PAC-1 is based on the applicable AEGL-1, ERPG-1, or TEEL-1 value

ACGIH TLV = 1000 ppm for methane.
AEGL-2 used--There are no AEGL-1 for certain compounds (acetone, ammonium perchlorate, arsine, carbon monoxide, ether, freon-113, hydriodic acid, iodine crystal, lewisite, mercury, methyl bromide, nitrogen mustard, phosgene, phosgene oxime, phosphine, red phosphorus)
PAC-1 used--There are no ERPG-1 for certain compounds (arsine, cyanogen chloride, cyclo-sarin, hydrogen cyanide AC, lewisite, mustard and distilled mustard, nitrogen mustard, phosgene oxime, sarin, soman, tabun, VX)
MIRAN SapphlRe has problems with complex mixtures (e.g.; distinguishing benzene from gasoline vapor).
PIDs/FIDs (MultiRAE/AreaRAE PID and TVA 1000B) are non-specific detectors and cannot differentiate between VOCs, even with CFs applied. See RAE PID CF Guidance Document TN-106 for information and TVA Response Factor document P/N 50039 THERMO.
Personal DataRAMs/DataRAMs are non-specific detectors and cannot differentiate between particulates
ChemPro 100i detectability after attack = 1 hour (2% OC); Designed to identify the presence of OC (Special Event response).
Sorbent Tube DAAMS method can capture GD, but laboratory analysis capability maybe limited for Soman (CWA response).
PAHs are most conservative value (anthracene, benzo(a)pyrene, chrysene, naphthalene, phenanthrene, pyrene)

Data on tables are from the following sources:

≥ -- greater than or equal to
< -- less than
% -- percent
ACGIH -- American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
AEGL -- acute exposure guideline levels
C -- ceiling (concentrations that should not be exceeded during any part of work exposure)
Ca -- carcinogenic
CDC -- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CF -- conversion factor
cpm -- counts per minute
DAAMS - Depot Area Air Monitoring System
DOE -- U.S. Department of Energy
EPA -- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
ERPG -- emergency response planning guideline
eV -- electron volt
FID -- flame ionization detector
GPL -- general population limit
IDLH -- immediately dangerous to life and health
IP -- ionization potential
ISO -- isobutylene
L/min -- liter per minute
mg/m3 -- milligrams per cubic meter
µR/hr -- micro Roentgens per hour
NA -- not available/applicable
NIOSH -- National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
OSHA -- Occupational Safety and Health Administration
PAH -- polyaromatic hydrocarbon
PEL -- permissible exposure limit (OSHA)
PID -- photoionization detector
ppb -- parts per billion
ppm -- parts per million
R/hr -- Roentgens per hour
rec. -- recommended
REL -- recommended exposure limit (NIOSH)
S -- skin notation (compound may be absorbed through the skin)
SPM -- single-point monitor
SSHASP -- site-specific health and safety plan
ST -- short term
TCE -- trichloroethylene
TEEL -- temporary emergency exposure limit
TLV -- time-limited value (ACGIH)
TWA -- time-weighted average
VOC -- volatile organic compound
Vol. -- volume
WISER -- Wireless Information System for Emergency Responders
WPL -- worker population limit
Y w/option - yes with option; see manufacturer's instrument manual for information