This Oiled Wildlife Training video series provides detailed awareness of the activities Department of Interior (DOI) responders, or any other spill responder, might take in response to an oil spill. The video series includes: methods to safely execute search, observe and capture for oiled or impacted wildlife; wildlife responder roles and responsibilities; and best practices and advice on how to transport, stabilize and document wildlife. This video resource features training, commentary and perspectives from leading experts in the field of oiled wildlife from across the country. These subject areas are meant to compliment and support the curriculum of the CSP3129 DOI Inland Oil Spill course.
NOTE: Performing hands on activities with oiled wildlife should only be performed by trained professionals directly tasked under an official oil spill
response organization.
Upon completion of this resource you will be introduced to subjects such as:
- Overview of oiled wildlife response, recovery and release
The roles and responsibilities of wildlife responders in oil spill response
How wildlife operations fits within the Incident Command and National Response System organizational frameworks
Wildlife handling, such as migratory birds, reptiles and amphibians, and small mammals
Field observation and assessment of oiled wildlife
Best practices for handling, documenting and maintaining chain of custody of deceased oiled wildlife
Managing data on oiled wildlife