Oil Spill Classification
Amount that poses a substantial threat to human health, welfare or the environment
Type Quantity Substance Actions
Minor < 1,000 gal. < Reportable Quantity If circumstances warrant, POLREPs to Regional Response Center, affected State, Federal, Native American and foreign natural resource trustees and to the pollution response agency for the impacted State or States
Medium 1,000 – 10,000 gal. > Reportable Quantity but does not meet criteria for a major or minor release Notifications must be issued to:
  1. The pollution response agency for the impacted State or States;
  2. The DOI representative;
  3. The HHS representative, if a public health emergency exists;
  4. The Director of the Emergency Response Division, US EPA;
  5. The DOC RRT5 representative in case of a release or threat of release to the surface waters of the United States;
  6. All affected State, Federal, Native American and foreign natural resource trustees;
  7. The appropriate USCG District office if the spill impacts navigable water; and
  8. The Fund Manager
In the event of a major spill, notify Regional Response Center by the most rapid means available, providing all known information, even if it has not been confirmed by on-scene personnel. An Incident-specific RRT will then be activated.
Major > 10,000 gal.

Oil Spill Classification- Details

Minor< 1,000 gal.
Medium1,000 – 10,000 gal.
Major> 10,000 gal.

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